Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Greenhouse producing salads still

Though the winter/fall season has been light by historic standards, my 2'x8' bed of greens in the greenhouse is producing well.  I have bibb lettuce and romaine lettuce, 2 types of spinach and a mesclun lettuce mix - all producing more than we can currently eat.  Hoping to keep this going as long as possible.  Will update in December!

Adding rabbits to the farm - to eat!

I just finished reading a few bleeding heart articles from people who can't stand the fact that people would eat rabbits.  I guess there aren't enough trees to hug in their neighborhoods!

We, on the other hand, are firm believers in eating that which is healthy and can be raised on our little farm; the rabbit firmly fits in that category.  We are getting a trio of American Chinchillas around Christmas and should be raising litters by June or July.  I'll update the site with photos as we start the process.