Most of us today do not remember that in 1933, FDR signed an Executive order (actually 2) that prohibited individuals from hoarding gold and also made it a crime to transfer gold holdings to a foreign country to avoid turning your gold over to the government.
Even though it sounds outlandish, what would keep that from happening again today? Nothing. FDR declared a national banking emergency and confiscated the public's gold holdings. We are definitely moving into the greatest banking crisis in history and gold sales are at record levels. This would be right up our government's alley.
Considering that a great deal of the wealth of middle-class America has already been robbed (through inflation, devalued housing and investment fraud), the current scare that has many individuals spending what available cash they have on gold, seems to be the right path for the government to complete the destruction of the middle class. They will wait until we've spent the rest of our "loose cash" on gold or silver and then just take it under the pretense of a national emergency.
As ludicrous as this may seem, I ask you to analyze this possibility through the eyes of history. 1933 is a time when the government is struggling to hold the economy together and FDR showed that whatever was in the best interest of the country (read: rich folks) was what he intended to do.
Why, just 17 years before that the government allowed the institution of the Federal Income Tax which transferred the burden of supporting the politician's various spending proposals and borrowing endeavors, from the corporations to the general public. They also set up the Federal Reserve System which allowed the government to control the value of money in our country for the purpose of keeping the rich, rich. (If you don't believe that, please review the current bailout scenario where only the "money" was bailed out; those that were too big to fail.)
Just thought I would jot these notes down as the possibility of yet another robbery of the American citizenry was underway.
I do think such a scenario is possible, but I think gold will have to skyrocket in value against our money before it's worth their while. Right now, if they took all the metal in the country it would hardly put a dent in our liabilities (according to its present valuation against the dollar), even if Fort Knox has everything they claim it has.