I firmly believe that our love affair with oil and all the so-called progress that it brought in the wake of the industrial revolution, is coming to an end in the next 40 years. This does not make me sad, suicidal, anti-American or anything else, except, maybe: aware. And that is what I want for America today. That is what I want for my children and my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren. Starting now, I want people to be aware of where society is heading and to start think-tanks that will help put solutions in front of the citizens of this country.
What am I talking about? If you read my last article you know that I believe the publicly-available oil will be gone in approximately 40 years or less. As the worlds population continues to increase exponentially and the demand on oil rises with it, cheap oil (if there is any of it left) will evaporate from the pumps. The price of gasoline and diesel will necessarily escalate to the point that only the extremely wealthy and governments will have access to it. That means automobiles for the masses will dwindle to a few. Public transportation will be the major mode of moving about and everything that depended upon oil will skyrocket in price, or no longer be available. This paradigm change requires a completely new way of viewing our future.
No longer can we think in terms of oil always being available; it is a physical impossibility. The media would have you believe that is not the case, but as usual they are lying. We need to to rethink how we will live in the post-industrial world. I don't think it's a Mad Max scenario we're moving towards, but I do believe the new world will favor the agrarian world of the 16th and 17th century. For some of you, this scenario will be impossible to embrace. Unfortunately, you will be in the group that was least prepared for the inevitable.
Let me stop here for a moment and let my faith speak. I absolutely believe in the coming return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the renewing of everything in him. This is not my eschatology working itself in a peak-oil vision. I do not advocate violence, nor believe that it will serve any purpose. Trying to overthrow the governments as Greece is doing is of no value.
For starters, this will happen in steps. We won't wake up one morning to the announcement that gas is 20.00 a gallon. The change will be incremental. What will be deceiving is that the media and our government will not be warning us of the forthcoming crash - they will be telling us that it is just another price blip in oil. They'll say don't worry, it's going to get better. The rhetoric will continue as it has since the debacle started in 2008.
People will advocate alternative sources of energy, reducing energy usage, saving the whales and hugging some more trees. While all of these things are good, they are only temporary. The loss of abundant cheap petroleum, and eventually coal, will radically alter the way we are able to live. To put off preparations for a drastically changed future society because we believe that drilling for oil in Alaska or the discovery of some alternative power source will save us is just burying our heads in the sand. Glenn Beck, who I enjoy listening to, is talking about diminishing oil supplies and how that will affect us, but he is still not pushing as hard as I think we need to for a new paradigm.
Almost everything that makes our lives what we are used to, is made, produced or delivered, through oil. Whatever alternative energy resource we come up with won't replace petroleum in the manufacturing of the stuff that our lives are filled with today.
I'm going to continue writing in this series as I get new ideas, but my goal for now is to get you thinking about what society might look like sans (without) oil. God bless.
self-sustainable living,non-GMO,organic seeds,organic gardening,healthy living,pesticide-free,organic farming,peak oil,heirloom seeds,aquaponic food production,organic food production,raising chickens,hatching your own eggs, raising quail
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Are you buying gold to give to the government?
Most of us today do not remember that in 1933, FDR signed an Executive order (actually 2) that prohibited individuals from hoarding gold and also made it a crime to transfer gold holdings to a foreign country to avoid turning your gold over to the government.
Even though it sounds outlandish, what would keep that from happening again today? Nothing. FDR declared a national banking emergency and confiscated the public's gold holdings. We are definitely moving into the greatest banking crisis in history and gold sales are at record levels. This would be right up our government's alley.
Considering that a great deal of the wealth of middle-class America has already been robbed (through inflation, devalued housing and investment fraud), the current scare that has many individuals spending what available cash they have on gold, seems to be the right path for the government to complete the destruction of the middle class. They will wait until we've spent the rest of our "loose cash" on gold or silver and then just take it under the pretense of a national emergency.
As ludicrous as this may seem, I ask you to analyze this possibility through the eyes of history. 1933 is a time when the government is struggling to hold the economy together and FDR showed that whatever was in the best interest of the country (read: rich folks) was what he intended to do.
Why, just 17 years before that the government allowed the institution of the Federal Income Tax which transferred the burden of supporting the politician's various spending proposals and borrowing endeavors, from the corporations to the general public. They also set up the Federal Reserve System which allowed the government to control the value of money in our country for the purpose of keeping the rich, rich. (If you don't believe that, please review the current bailout scenario where only the "money" was bailed out; those that were too big to fail.)
Just thought I would jot these notes down as the possibility of yet another robbery of the American citizenry was underway.
Even though it sounds outlandish, what would keep that from happening again today? Nothing. FDR declared a national banking emergency and confiscated the public's gold holdings. We are definitely moving into the greatest banking crisis in history and gold sales are at record levels. This would be right up our government's alley.
Considering that a great deal of the wealth of middle-class America has already been robbed (through inflation, devalued housing and investment fraud), the current scare that has many individuals spending what available cash they have on gold, seems to be the right path for the government to complete the destruction of the middle class. They will wait until we've spent the rest of our "loose cash" on gold or silver and then just take it under the pretense of a national emergency.
As ludicrous as this may seem, I ask you to analyze this possibility through the eyes of history. 1933 is a time when the government is struggling to hold the economy together and FDR showed that whatever was in the best interest of the country (read: rich folks) was what he intended to do.
Why, just 17 years before that the government allowed the institution of the Federal Income Tax which transferred the burden of supporting the politician's various spending proposals and borrowing endeavors, from the corporations to the general public. They also set up the Federal Reserve System which allowed the government to control the value of money in our country for the purpose of keeping the rich, rich. (If you don't believe that, please review the current bailout scenario where only the "money" was bailed out; those that were too big to fail.)
Just thought I would jot these notes down as the possibility of yet another robbery of the American citizenry was underway.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
No gasoline - no diesel - what will the world look like?
I am slow of mind at times - well, in fact, quite often. While staring at the side issues, though important issues, of GMO seeds and corporations taking over America, wars being fought where we aren't being threatened, and the like, the obvious has escaped me.
What will the world look like when we run out of fuel? This is going to happen - at some level. I believe there will be fuel available for a couple of hundred years but after the next 30 or so years, it won't be available to the public. No, the reality is that the quantity of oil we can pump from this planet is very limited. The other reality is that the population is booming. These two lines can be graphed and their intersection, I believe, is approximately 30-40 years away. When the governments of the world can no longer hide the fact that we are running out of oil (and they are hiding it) it will be too late for the people of the world to do anything about it - except suffer.
The governments will keep what ever oil is still available to fuel their military and to continue to provide a basic infrastructure for the people, but there will be no jumping in the car and driving to work, the grocery store, or anywhere for that matter. Our lives are based on petroleum and when that is no longer available to exploit, life as we know it will end. In fact, it may very well mean the real end of life for millions as food shortages and poverty sweep across the world, and in their wake riots and mayhem follow. Think that's far-fetched? Just look at the loons rioting over the recent Boston hockey win in Vancouver, Canada. Oh yeah, losing a hockey game is worth rioting for isn't it - not! But what will these people do when the realize they can't afford to put gas in their cars - long before the gas has actually run out?
Many who read this will say, Oh no, the government won't let this happen. I'm telling you they are letting it happen right now! Think about it - there has to be a finite amount of oil in the ground. If the earth were a hollow ball, that is the maximum amount that could be contained! But it isn't a hollow ball and peak oil has already happened in many places - including the United States. People are just refusing to acknowledge it. They are living in a dream! This is the dream that says, things will always get better, there will always be more, it will go on like this forever.
I am advocating that people start to think about how the world is going to look when a world that is set up to run on oil no longer has oil in its tanks. This isn't as simple as saying well, we'll have solar by then, or we'll have hydro by then, or we'll have something else by then. Our entire distribution system is set up for gasoline or diesel. Everything that is manufactured in this country - yea, in the world, requires petroleum in some form. When that is gone, the products we are used to, the lifestyles we are used to, will not be available to us any longer. That means just about everything we use today will be affected, because oil and yes, coal (limited as well) powers all the manufacturing.
The solution to this is going to take many minds working together to reinvent society. The time to start is now.
Wally Roderick
What will the world look like when we run out of fuel? This is going to happen - at some level. I believe there will be fuel available for a couple of hundred years but after the next 30 or so years, it won't be available to the public. No, the reality is that the quantity of oil we can pump from this planet is very limited. The other reality is that the population is booming. These two lines can be graphed and their intersection, I believe, is approximately 30-40 years away. When the governments of the world can no longer hide the fact that we are running out of oil (and they are hiding it) it will be too late for the people of the world to do anything about it - except suffer.
The governments will keep what ever oil is still available to fuel their military and to continue to provide a basic infrastructure for the people, but there will be no jumping in the car and driving to work, the grocery store, or anywhere for that matter. Our lives are based on petroleum and when that is no longer available to exploit, life as we know it will end. In fact, it may very well mean the real end of life for millions as food shortages and poverty sweep across the world, and in their wake riots and mayhem follow. Think that's far-fetched? Just look at the loons rioting over the recent Boston hockey win in Vancouver, Canada. Oh yeah, losing a hockey game is worth rioting for isn't it - not! But what will these people do when the realize they can't afford to put gas in their cars - long before the gas has actually run out?
Many who read this will say, Oh no, the government won't let this happen. I'm telling you they are letting it happen right now! Think about it - there has to be a finite amount of oil in the ground. If the earth were a hollow ball, that is the maximum amount that could be contained! But it isn't a hollow ball and peak oil has already happened in many places - including the United States. People are just refusing to acknowledge it. They are living in a dream! This is the dream that says, things will always get better, there will always be more, it will go on like this forever.
I am advocating that people start to think about how the world is going to look when a world that is set up to run on oil no longer has oil in its tanks. This isn't as simple as saying well, we'll have solar by then, or we'll have hydro by then, or we'll have something else by then. Our entire distribution system is set up for gasoline or diesel. Everything that is manufactured in this country - yea, in the world, requires petroleum in some form. When that is gone, the products we are used to, the lifestyles we are used to, will not be available to us any longer. That means just about everything we use today will be affected, because oil and yes, coal (limited as well) powers all the manufacturing.
The solution to this is going to take many minds working together to reinvent society. The time to start is now.
Wally Roderick
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Change in focus at our farm
15 June, 2011
Well, it's not a major change, but we are reducing our number of chickens to focus more on the vegetable side of the industry - to be specific, I want to do more research into the GMO side of the industry and see if it is possible to determine who has products on our grocery shelves that definitely use GMO products in them, and then expose those products to the consumers of our country.
America deserves the same fair shake that Europe is getting on GMO foods. They protested and had them removed from their shelves. We can do the same in our country if everyone will take a stand. We are America. Monsanto is not America and will not survive in the food industry if we do not purchase their goods. If the companies involved in the production of GMO foods are more interested in profit than in our safety, they have declared war on us by their actions. They are saying they don't care if we die as long as they make money. Anyone willing to kill you for their personal gain has declared war on you.
America - suit up!
Well, it's not a major change, but we are reducing our number of chickens to focus more on the vegetable side of the industry - to be specific, I want to do more research into the GMO side of the industry and see if it is possible to determine who has products on our grocery shelves that definitely use GMO products in them, and then expose those products to the consumers of our country.
America deserves the same fair shake that Europe is getting on GMO foods. They protested and had them removed from their shelves. We can do the same in our country if everyone will take a stand. We are America. Monsanto is not America and will not survive in the food industry if we do not purchase their goods. If the companies involved in the production of GMO foods are more interested in profit than in our safety, they have declared war on us by their actions. They are saying they don't care if we die as long as they make money. Anyone willing to kill you for their personal gain has declared war on you.
America - suit up!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Why are there so many food allergies
14 June 2011
From Dr. Mercola's website.
A compelling video - good research- showing why the number of food allergies is skyrocketing.
From Dr. Mercola's website.
A compelling video - good research- showing why the number of food allergies is skyrocketing.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Sprouts appear to be cause of E.coli in Germany
10 June 2011
An article in the Washington Post has stated that the cause of the E.coli outbreak in Germany is bad vegetable sprouts. What makes it worse, is that these are supposedly coming from an "organic" farm. The article did not state what exactly caused the E.coli outbreak, but that it was still being investigated.
I can't help but feel that this is a golden opportunity for the industrial farming operation to attack the organic movement by showing that even organics can be bad. But I want to see what the final decision is in this case before I use any more ink on it. The researchers have mentioned that it could be contaminated water on the farm or contaminated seeds. What I am positive of is that it was not the correct practicing of organic farming that produced the E.coli. Correct practices would include regular water testing as well as seed checks.
Regardless of the cause, this is still another great reason to grown your own. You can produce your own sprouts, safely and inexpensively, right in your own kitchen. That is what this blog is all about: becoming self-sufficient. As the food distribution chain continues to fail, there will be more outbreaks like this one and fear will spread among consumers that it is not safe to eat anywhere - but at home.
Most of us will not be able to completely disconnect from the industrial food supply, but we must do all we can to wean ourselves off of it.
An article in the Washington Post has stated that the cause of the E.coli outbreak in Germany is bad vegetable sprouts. What makes it worse, is that these are supposedly coming from an "organic" farm. The article did not state what exactly caused the E.coli outbreak, but that it was still being investigated.
I can't help but feel that this is a golden opportunity for the industrial farming operation to attack the organic movement by showing that even organics can be bad. But I want to see what the final decision is in this case before I use any more ink on it. The researchers have mentioned that it could be contaminated water on the farm or contaminated seeds. What I am positive of is that it was not the correct practicing of organic farming that produced the E.coli. Correct practices would include regular water testing as well as seed checks.
Regardless of the cause, this is still another great reason to grown your own. You can produce your own sprouts, safely and inexpensively, right in your own kitchen. That is what this blog is all about: becoming self-sufficient. As the food distribution chain continues to fail, there will be more outbreaks like this one and fear will spread among consumers that it is not safe to eat anywhere - but at home.
Most of us will not be able to completely disconnect from the industrial food supply, but we must do all we can to wean ourselves off of it.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Chicken killing day on the farm
9 June 2011
Well, this past Saturday we turned the last batch of junior feed eaters into future dinners. I know for some of you that eating meat is a no-no, but since God gave it to us to eat, and it does taste good, and I can raise it in a healthy manner, I'm gonna continue to eat chicken. It's another way we can work towards a self-sustaining lifestyle. Most states have no regulations prohibiting the butchering of meat for personal use so take advantage of it. The conditions you will slaughter in will be 10 times more sanitary than the government approved conditions.
Another benefit of the slaughter day is: fellowship. I know it sounds a little sordid, but there are usually three of us involved, all family members, and we have a great time together practicing an art that has been around for as long as man has.
I intend to do a video on the operation at some point because I want to show how disconnected the birds are from the act of killing them. As I remove birds from the pen, those that remain just go back to eating, even though they are in plain view of the cones! I love my chickens and they have the purpose of providing my family with eggs and meat and entertainment, but they are not extremely bright. They do what they do very well which is eat, lay eggs, and make meat - all with a generally happy demeanor. What else could a self-sustaining farmer ask for?
Well, this past Saturday we turned the last batch of junior feed eaters into future dinners. I know for some of you that eating meat is a no-no, but since God gave it to us to eat, and it does taste good, and I can raise it in a healthy manner, I'm gonna continue to eat chicken. It's another way we can work towards a self-sustaining lifestyle. Most states have no regulations prohibiting the butchering of meat for personal use so take advantage of it. The conditions you will slaughter in will be 10 times more sanitary than the government approved conditions.
Another benefit of the slaughter day is: fellowship. I know it sounds a little sordid, but there are usually three of us involved, all family members, and we have a great time together practicing an art that has been around for as long as man has.
I intend to do a video on the operation at some point because I want to show how disconnected the birds are from the act of killing them. As I remove birds from the pen, those that remain just go back to eating, even though they are in plain view of the cones! I love my chickens and they have the purpose of providing my family with eggs and meat and entertainment, but they are not extremely bright. They do what they do very well which is eat, lay eggs, and make meat - all with a generally happy demeanor. What else could a self-sustaining farmer ask for?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
We must start raising our own food!
2 June 2011
The recent outbreak of a new E.coli bacteria that has killed at least 17 people and sickened another 1500 is another reason why we need to take "safe food" into our own hands as much as possible. Why take the risks associated with untold numbers of people handling our food, and shipping across the ocean or even shipping across the country, when you can produce much of what you need in your own yard.
You may say that you can't grow everything that you currently eat, but I suggest that we all need to look at our dietary requirements and see what we can substitute for the items that we can't grow. Have you considered eating sprouts? How about wheatgrass? Microgreens? All three of these products can be grown indoors, with minimum lighting requirements and they are not expensive. In addition, they are super healthy food products and can be grown in less than a week for the most part (micro greens take a little longer).
For most of us, the biggest challange will be accepting a change in what we are eating. The foods mentioned above are raw and that is the best type of food to eat. Raw foods contain the most nutrients and minerals available to our bodies. Unfortunately, we have gotten used to eating conveniently and not healthy.
I recently read somewhere that spinach kept at 39 degrees will lost most of its nutritional value in 8 days. It will still be green and look good, but you won't derive any value from it for your body. Another article talked about the reduction in minerals available to plants in typical industrial gardening today. Most soils used commercially have up to 30% less nutrients available to the plants grown in them than they had 30-40 years ago. Couple that with the reduced nutritional value of our foods just from time travel from the farm to the store and you have a situation where our food is giving us up to 50% of what it is supposed to provide.
Is there a reasonable solution? Absolutely. I just mentioned it. Intensive gardening outdoors and sprouts, wheatgrass and micro greens indoors. If you live in a colder climate, you can extend your growing season with a small greenhouse or by using hoops and plastic. There are a myriad of ways to make this happen. All you need is the desire to see it done.
The recent outbreak of a new E.coli bacteria that has killed at least 17 people and sickened another 1500 is another reason why we need to take "safe food" into our own hands as much as possible. Why take the risks associated with untold numbers of people handling our food, and shipping across the ocean or even shipping across the country, when you can produce much of what you need in your own yard.
You may say that you can't grow everything that you currently eat, but I suggest that we all need to look at our dietary requirements and see what we can substitute for the items that we can't grow. Have you considered eating sprouts? How about wheatgrass? Microgreens? All three of these products can be grown indoors, with minimum lighting requirements and they are not expensive. In addition, they are super healthy food products and can be grown in less than a week for the most part (micro greens take a little longer).
For most of us, the biggest challange will be accepting a change in what we are eating. The foods mentioned above are raw and that is the best type of food to eat. Raw foods contain the most nutrients and minerals available to our bodies. Unfortunately, we have gotten used to eating conveniently and not healthy.
I recently read somewhere that spinach kept at 39 degrees will lost most of its nutritional value in 8 days. It will still be green and look good, but you won't derive any value from it for your body. Another article talked about the reduction in minerals available to plants in typical industrial gardening today. Most soils used commercially have up to 30% less nutrients available to the plants grown in them than they had 30-40 years ago. Couple that with the reduced nutritional value of our foods just from time travel from the farm to the store and you have a situation where our food is giving us up to 50% of what it is supposed to provide.
Is there a reasonable solution? Absolutely. I just mentioned it. Intensive gardening outdoors and sprouts, wheatgrass and micro greens indoors. If you live in a colder climate, you can extend your growing season with a small greenhouse or by using hoops and plastic. There are a myriad of ways to make this happen. All you need is the desire to see it done.
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