25 May 2011
We have an almost-organic small farm where we produce many of our vegetables, all of our chicken, eggs, micro-greens, wheatgrass and other healthy foods. We are in the process of starting our own Goji Berry bushes as well as Autumn Olive bushes. Both of these plants produce berries that are in the super-food category. We will also be adding blueberries, blackberries and raspberries to our farm. We also produce our own soap and lotion products that are made from ingredients that are as natural as possible - no scents - only all-natural essential oils (no sulfates). We are a small farm in the process of becoming. Join us on our journey!
This blog will cover all that we are doing on our small farm with the hope that we will encourage others to grow their own food - both meat and vegetables - and participate in event called feeding your body. For too many years we have left the decisions involved with our food up to others who had no interest whatsoever in our health - but only in how to extract the greatest amount of wealth from our wallets.
We will show you how to supplement your table fare right out of your own garden - regardless of how small your property is. Even if you live in an apartment, you can grow some things on your balcony and produce super-healthy micro greens and wheatgrass on your countertop.
If you live where zoning will allow chickens (at least a few hens), we can show you how to become your own healthy egg supplier. If you have enough yard for the chickens to graze, feed costs will be minimal.
Please feel free to write us with questions or recommendations as we would like this blog to be a place where helpful information is shared.
Additionally, we will have an online store where some of our food and hand-crafted items will be for sale!
Blessings in Jesus Christ,
Wally Roderick